April Birthstone




The World’s love for diamonds had its start in India where diamonds were gathered from the country’s rivers and streams. Some Historians estimate that India was trading in diamonds as early as the fourth century BC. Indian diamonds found their way to Europe. By the 1400’s , diamonds had become fashionable accessories for Europe's elite. In the early 1700s India’s Diamond supplies began to decline, Brazil emerged as an important source of Diamond & things changed.

India became the biggest Diamond cutting center. De beers started ruling diamond Market. De beers” Diamond are Forever” ad campaign made the Diamonds even more special,increased its demand in the market and in no time Diamonds became woman’s best friend.

Formation of Diamond

A Diamond has to go through a lot before it reaches the Jewelry display case. It forms deep in the earth under extreme heat and pressure. It is transported violently upward until it arrives at or near the earth’s surface. It's called Primary source of mining. Once they mine the rock then its cut and polished until its natural beauty shines through.


Diamond & color are hard to think together right? Most people think of diamonds that look colorless actually have a small amount of color - usually yellow or brown. Diamonds come in a startling array of other colors too. In fact, they come in just about every color of the rainbow.


The quality of diamonds is determined by four factors. Colour, cut, clarity and carat weight. A standardised assessing of diamond quality is known as The 4Cs of diamond quality. Read through our diamond introduction blog to get a detailed knowledge of Diamond 4c’s.

Healing properties

Diamonds are a symbol of purity. It brings love and a feeling of partnership and bonding in relationships. It brings strength and endurance to all energies and enhances the power of other crystals. This gem imparts fearlessness and fortitude. Diamonds are responsible for its ability to clear emotional and mental pain and bring about an onset to new beginnings.

It purifies all the body systems, rebalances the metabolism and helps in regaining stamina. Helps in the treatment of allergies, glaucoma, dizziness and vertigo.


Diamond is the birthstone for the April month. Along with having a great value in the market, this stone also has good healing properties as well. Get in touch with us today to find out more about the kinds of diamond products we produce and design.