August Birthstone

Peridot & Spinel



Formally called ‘Olivian” since it is a gem variety of that mineral the name peridot has been adopted for many years to avoid confusion with demantoid garnets, Topaz, Emeralds. Today Peridot is appreciated on its own merits as the most affordable untreated green stone in calibrated sizes, and exquisite large richly colored gem that can be a focus on custom jewelry.

Peridot is the birthstone for the month of August. This stone belongs to the green variety of the Olivine Group of minerals. Olivine is a group of minerals that includes Forsterite, Liebenbergite, Fayalite, Laihunite and Tephroite and it is not an individual mineral on its own.

These gemstones have also been popular all throughout history. Large fine Peridots are featured in many estate pieces. This is the 1830’s & 1840’s Popular Gemstone. Hardness for Peridot is 7 as per Moh’s scale. It’s double refractive under the lens is easily visible and enough to separate it from other commonly confused green gems with.


Peridot is one of the only stones that are available in a single color. However, the stone may appear in an array of beautiful olive-green color. If you’re looking for a refreshing lawn-green and bright color, then your stone will be priced higher. This shade of color is usually found in stones that weigh above 10 carats. Lower quality and cheaper stones are available in shades of washed-out green, yellow-green, or green with brown undertone (Also known as sinhalite)shades in them. Colour is a crucial element that needs to be considered when you’re evaluating the quality of your stone.

Healing Properties

Peridot stone has been associated with a lot of legends and lore. It is noted to be one of the most important stones known to civilizations. This stone is known as “The Extreme Gem.” As it is believed to have been born of fire and light. It is also revered deeply due to its extraterrestrial origin.

In ancient myths, it is believed that this stone has healing powers of the sun as it is believed that peridot was a stone thrown off by explosions in the Sun.

The stone is said to offer bravery by many warriors and talisman. The stone has special powers to repel dark magic as well. It is believed that the stone protects people from the evil eye, dark spirits, and other paranormal activities by most people.


This gorgeous stone is one of a kind. Usually known as the birthstone for the month of August, they are one among the rarest stones and are available in single colors. The stone is loved by many for its pleasant green color.



For the month of August, Spinel is the birthstone. Spinel is very often confused with red ruby since it's been undervalued for quite a long period of time. Until the 1800s Spinel was classified as a separate genus of gems. Ever after, gem stands on its own merits. Spinel is also said to have less hardness on Mohs than ruby and sapphire.


Deposits of this gemstone have been found in Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Thailand, Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, Nepal, Nigeria, Tadzhikistan, Tanzania, and the USA.


The gemstone comes in the most infrequent colors that include vivid ruby-like red, cobalt blue, effulgent pink, and effulgent orange. The other pale colors like lavender are verbalized to be more affordable. Other popular colors of the stone include ebony spinel, pink spinel, violet-blue, greenish-blue, greyish, mauve, yellow, brown.

Clarity and Lustre

A Spinel of good quality has no visible inclusions. Inclusions are verbalized to decrement the value of the gem. A few desirable inclusions result in asterism otherwise kenned as the star effect. (Kenned as a Phenomenal Stone.)

Phenomenal & Assembled Factor.

Like garnet, both star & Color Change varieties subsist in Spinel. Those are one of the favorite picks for Designers and collectors. Assembled Spinel is quite mundane additionally. They are conventionally kenned as Spinel Doublets & Triplets.

Cut and Shape

Spinels are optically discerned in shapes such as octagons, trillions, squares, rounds, and fancy shapes, such as ovals, pears, and cushions. Stones that are translucent to opaque are cut en cabochon. Recherche star spinels are cut in cabochon to accentuate the asterism.


Spinel is customarily not treated or enhanced. However, synthetic spinel can be quite mundane. Most synthetic Spinels can be dissevered from the natural ones utilizing a magnet.

Fun Facts: Spinel has the heritage & Pedigree to be one of the finest gemstones. Infelicitously, Spinel supply is inadequate for anything but the most minuscule market. Albeit this gem can equal the colors of fine ruby and pink sapphire. Very few consumers know about the stone. so there’s a little demand for it, If supplies ameliorate, spinel could facilely be promoted to a wider audience.

Healing Properties

Spinel stimulates all kinds of chakras and meridian systems. Acts as an excellent avail to abbreviate fatigue and withal avails the physical body to recuperate from any kind of illness or trauma. The stone facilitates lassitude as well. It calms and palliates stress, anxiety, PTSD, and depression.


In Conclusion, spinel is a naturally occurring stone that is infrequent and resplendent. It is utilized as a supersession for Ruby. Spinel is a durable gemstone that is considered as the impeccable jewelry for all occasions. Due to the gems scarcity, it is customarily found in standardized sizes off tardy.