October Birthstone

Tourmaline & Opal



Tourmaline, best kenned as the most colorful gemstone, is the birthstone for October. The gemstone occurs in a variety of paramount colors. According to scientific terms, the stone is not composed of a single mineral, but, a composition of a group of minerals that are cognate in their physical and chemical properties.


When we verbalize about the color of Tourmaline, one may make certain that these colors have different causes. The colors green and blue have been induced due to the vigorous presence of iron and titanium. The reds, pinks, and yellows are due to the presence of Manganese. However, few pinks and yellows owe their hues to colors that are caused due to radiation. These radiations can be induced naturally or chemically.

History and Lore

A Spanish conquistador washed the dirt from a green tourmaline crystal and discombobulated the vibrant gem with emerald. This mystification has lived on until scientists perceived tourmaline as a distinct mineral species in the 1800s.

Until the development of modern mineralogy, the stone was identified as some other stone (ruby, sapphire, emerald, and so forth) considering the color. Tourmaline was kenned as an American gem through the efforts of Tiffany gemologist George F. Kunz. He indited about the tourmaline deposits of Maine and California and accoladed the stones they engendered. One of the earliest reports of tourmaline in California was in 1892.


The treatments that the gem is exposed to are heating and radiation. The transmutations that the gem develops after exposure to heat are stability and undetectability. However, gems that have a high inclusion of liquid cannot withstand the heat treatment.

Quality factors
  • Colour – The color factor of Tourmaline has an array of range, intensity, and tone.
  • Pellucidity – One may optically canvass that tourmaline ranging from colors pink to red have more preponderant visible inclusions than the green tourmalines.
  • Cut – These comely gems are often long, leading cutters to tenuous cut culminated stones.
  • Carat Weight – This mesmerizing gem comes in all shapes and sizes. The variety of the gem directly affects the value of the gem.

Afore we conclude, let’s highlight on a few facts

Rubellite is the denomination that is given for pink, red, purplish-red, orangy red, or brownish red tourmaline.

The dark violetish blue, blue, or greenish-blue tourmaline Indicolite

The profound colors of violetish blue, greenish-blue, or blue tourmaline from the state of Paraíba, Brazil are defined as Paraíba.

Chrome tourmaline is profound green. Despite its denomination, it’s colored mostly by vanadium, the same element that colors many Brazilian and African emeralds.

Watermelon tourmaline is pink in the center and green around the outside. Hence the designation watermelon tourmaline. Crystals of this material are typically cut in slices to exhibit this special arrangement.

Contact Information

For details regarding tourmaline jewelry, get in touch with us.



For all those who pay close attention to monthly birthstones, this blog will be informative. The first birthstone for October is Opal. Let’s find out more about Opal

Opal is considered as an October birthstone. This stone is originally from India and gets its name from a Sanskrit word “Upala” which means precious stone. This same stone was identified by the name Opalus in ancient Rome. These stones are mainly preferred because of their ability to shift colors in rainbow hues – a phenomenon called “play-of-colors” Opal is also a gifted during the celebration of the 14th wedding anniversary.

Beliefs and Imagination

It was believed by the Bedouins that Opal held lightning and fell from the sky during thunderstorms. Ancient Greek believed that Opals bestowed the gift of prophecy and protection from diseases. This precious birthstone is still believed to be a symbol of purity, hope and truth by the Europeans. Hundreds of years ago Opal was believed to embody the virtues and powers of all colored stones.

Quality and Value

Opal varies in terms of quality. The brilliant colors displayed as flashes within the body of Opal add value to the stone. The value of the stone can be defined by the richness of its color when displayed against a dark grey or black background. All Opals are considered as separate individuals. Every Opal is considered special in their own terms.

Cleaning process

This stone is very sensitive and the safest method of cleaning this Opal is with warm, soapy water. Other cleaning methods may damage the stone.


Some people think that it is unlucky for anyone born in another month to wear an Opal. This is just a superstition that comes from a written in the 1800s (Anne of Geierstein by Sir Walter Scott) and not from any ancient belief.

All through history, Opal has been regarded as the luckiest and magical of all gems because of its ability to show all colors. It was also believed that Opal can preserve the life and color of blond hair

Are you an October born? Get in touch with us today to find out what we can do best to make your birthday extra special.